
Google Docs : ajouter des notes de bas de page a vos documents

Official Google Docs Blog: Adding footnotes to your documents A noter que désormais dans google docs vous pouvez via l'onglet insert ajouter des notes de bas de page à vos documents Les notes apparaitront aussi lors de l'impression en mode PDF ou si vous le convertissez en fichier Word, Openoffice, RTF ou HTML

Ning : de nouvelles mises à jour pour les réseaux sociaux

Ning Blog » The Ning Platform: A Few Updates A noter un rapprochement de plus en plus net entre NING et GOOGLE via OPENSOCIAL et des possibilités accrues de personnaliser les plateformes ! With OpenSocial now on profile pages across 535,000 social networks on Ning, we thought it was a good time to share with everyone where we’re going from here. We’re evolving the Ning Platform in three key ways: OpenSocial Network Applications We will be launching OpenSocial Network Applications as the primary way to add new features or modify existing ones on your network in early December. OpenSocial Network Applications will be seamlessly added to a network’s Main page, have its own tab and display multiple “canvas” pages for the feature itself. OpenSocial Network Applications will appear and function almost exactly like our Photos or Videos features. Most importantly, you’ll be able to add them with one-click to your network. More Customization Options Directly in Your Network We are bring

Mapwing : visite guidée via photos et plan

Mapwing - Build and Share Virtual Tours for Free Voilà un outil fort intéressant qui permet de créer des visites guidées en associant photo et plan/localisation géographique Un exemple ici Et ici Source : fil twitter eogez

convertir gratuitement des vidéos Youtube vers PC, iPod, PSP, iPhone, mp3, mp4 et Mobile.

Télécharger les vidéos Youtube en ligne - convertir gratuitement des vidéos Youtube vers PC, iPod, PSP, iPhone, mp3, mp4 et Mobile. A découvrir Via fil twitter d'eogez

Project open source applications for libraries

About XC | The eXtensible Catalog : "The eXtensible Catalog (XC) Project is working to design and develop a set of open-source applications that will provide libraries with an alternative way to reveal their collections to library users. XC will provide easy access to all resources (both digital and physical collections) across a variety of databases, metadata schemas and standards, and will enable library content to be revealed through other services that libraries may already be using, such as content management systems and learning management systems. XC will also make library collections more web-accessible by revealing them through web search engines. Since XC software will be open source, it will be available for download at no cost. Libraries will be able to adopt, customize and extend the software to meet local needs. In addition, a not-for-profit organization will be formed to provide the infrastructure to incorporate community contributions to the code base, encourage co